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Pink Diamond Rings – Artificially Colored?

Pink diamonds are extremely rare. Most of them are mined in Western Australia in the Argyle diamond mine. However, some can be found in India, Brazil as well as Africa. The diamonds are so rare that you will have to spend a big fortune in getting them. The pink champagne diamonds are still available for

Pear Shaped Engagement Rings – Why To Buy Them

Every woman wants to get the biggest engagement rings when her significant other proposes to her. However, it is not always possible for every man to buy those celebrity inspired rings that cost a million dollars. They have to think about their pockets while keeping the desires of their beloved in mind. As a result

Diamond Exchange And International Diamond Trading

A diamond exchange is not a specific place, but any platform where you can buy and sell diamonds. Though diamond rings and other jewelry can also be accepted, the loose diamonds are sold and bought here on most of the occasion. Diamond is the most precious of all the gems and even a handful of

The Fancy Pink Diamond

Colored diamonds are quite rare. Only one in more than 10,000 diamonds will come with some degree of noticeable color in order to qualify as a colored diamond. The pink diamonds are the most adorable ones in this category. Pink is often connected with love, bonding and feminine side of the things and this is

Why To Buy Pave Engagement Rings

Pave engagement rings are always the best choice for the people who want to get more bling for their buck. The pave rings create a very unique kind of sheen in the ring because of which they look extremely beautiful and desirable. The concept is very simple. It is a kind of ring where the